I have taken in some less than fortunate horses from neglect and starvation, being beaten , and mistreated . This is Barney's story.....
This is Barney, he came to me in December of 2007 , severely emaciated and his BCS, was ony a 1. He had several issues, extreme diarrhea and infections in both eyes. His hooves were not cared for and he had not had any vaccinations, Needless to say the previous owner was turned in and lost all of her other horses. I put a lot of time and effort, into this beautiful buckskin gelding, today he is thriving , and healthy and gets ridden. It was not his multiple problems that made him thin, it was just neglect and no food and fresh water. Below is Barney now, this was a long process, but he is living here now, and will be here forever. Sadly Barney has decide he needed to sleep. He was an awesome boy to me, I will miss him dearly!! I miss you Mr. B.